Rundwanderung bei Holsthum und Irrel

May 18, 2025


The Eifelverein OG Waxweiler invites you to a circular hike near Holsthum and the Irrel suspension bridge.

Hiking distance: approximately 11 km, easy

A concluding stop for refreshments is planned.

Meeting point: 1:15 PM at the parking lot "Auf Staudigt" in Waxweiler
Start of the hike: 2:00 PM in Holsthum, Gasthaus Oberbillig
Hiking guide: Angelika Berger, Tel. +49 (0)6523 1018

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  • Only at May 18, 2025
    At 13:15


Auf Staudigt
54649 Waxweiler


Eifelverein Waxweiler
Am Hüttenberg 16
54649 Waxweiler
Phone: (0049) 6554 90 03 37

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