image00041, © Ansgar Dondelinger, Naturpark Südeifel
  • Distance: 1.2 km
  • Duration: 0:20 h
  • Difficulty: easy

Comfort path Ammeldingen near Neuerburg

Ammeldingen bei Neuerburg

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Sweeping views of the countryside, meadows and fields as far as the eye can see, resting places that invite you to linger - all this characterises this 1.2-kilometre circular trail in Ammeldingen near Neuerburg.

The starting point is Kapellenweg 2 in Ammeldingen, from where the trail leads past houses with beautiful gardens that give Ammeldingen near Neuerburg a special charm. At the end of the village there are extensive meadows and fields, and in summer the golden-yellow corn impresses with its intense play of colours. Visitors can take in this special landscape experience at two different rest stops. Near the starting point, there is a partially barrier-free WC in the community centre. It can be opened with a Euro key. The barrier-free car park is located in front of the community centre.

mehr lesen pdf: kurzbericht_komfort-weg_ammeldingen_bei_neuerburg_pa-11691-2020_degpx: files/barrierefrei-ammeldingen

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54673 Ammeldingen, Kapellenweg 2


54673 Ammeldingen, Kapellenweg 2

Distance: 1.2 km

Duration: 0:20 h

Difficulty: easy

Ortsgemeinde Ammeldingen

54673 Ammeldingen bei Neuerburg

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At a glance

Barrierefreie Austattungsmerkmale

Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report.

  • The hiking trail is 1.1 km long.
  • The signage (for orientation) is designed in clearly legible and high-contrast lettering.
  • The trail runs partly on a road used by motor vehicles (30 km/h zone, play road or forest and scenic paths).
  • The trail is clearly, uniformly and continuously signposted. 
  • The signage is designed in legible lettering and the information is provided in writing and in the form of pictograms.  
  • Information is not available in Braille or prismatic writing.
  • There is a barrier-free toilet in the village community center that is accessible to the public without stairs.
Prüfbericht: Sehbehinderung / Blinde

Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report.

  • The hiking trail is 1.1 km long.
  • The signposting is clearly legible and the information is provided in writing and in the form of pictograms.  
  • The trail runs partly on a road used by motor vehicles (30 km/h zone, play road or forest and countryside paths).
  • There is a barrier-free WC in the village community center that is accessible to the public without stairs.
Prüfbericht: Kognitive Beeinträchtigungen

Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report.

  • The hiking trail is 1.1 km long.
  • The trail runs partly on a road used by motor vehicles (30 km/h zone, play road or forest and scenic paths).
  • The trail is clearly, uniformly and continuously signposted.
  • A parking lot is available. 
  • There is a barrier-free WC in the village community center that is accessible to the public without stairs.
Prüfbericht: Hörbehinderung / Gehörlose

All areas relevant for testing meet the quality criteria of the label "Accessibility certified - partially accessible for people with walking disabilities".

Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report.

  • There is a parking lot for people with disabilities.
  • The circular hiking trail is 1.1 km long.
  • The hiking trail is stepless and easy to walk and drive on.
  • The hiking trail is at least 120 cm wide. Except for a 2 m long narrow section (87 cm wide), which can be bypassed.
  • The hiking trail has a maximum longitudinal gradient of up to 9% over a length of 50 m.
  • The clear width next to obstacles/frame barriers/barriers is at least 80 cm. 
  • The trail runs partly on a road used by motor vehicles (30 km/h zone, play road or forest and countryside paths).
  • Seating is provided at 500 m intervals.
  • The trail is clearly, uniformly and continuously signposted.
  • There is a barrier-free WC in the village community center that is accessible to the public without stairs.
Prüfbericht: GehbehinderungPrüfbericht: Rollstuhlfahrer

Zertifiziert im Zeitraum:
November 2024 - October 2027
Barrierefreiheit geprüft