Christiansmühle - MühlenlädchenBitburgShow more opening hours Farm store with game from the region and other local products.freshly cut Christmas trees.mehr lesen Share content:
Opening hours From January 1st to December 31stWednesday 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM Friday 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM Saturday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Hofladen - Chrissis Alpaka-KisteIn our farm store in Messerich, we offer many alpaca products. From alpaca gifts, alpaca soaps, alpaca hats, alpaca cuddly toys, alpaca quilts to the normal alpaca wool.
City Library – Library of the Dr. Hanns Simon FoundationThe Library of the Dr. Hanns Simon Foundation with more than 60,000 volumes currently is open to readers of all ages.